Friday, January 28, 2011

Cold War=Mass Confusion

Okay, I belive the main social cause of the Cold War was the fear of Communism. I don't even think people considered the positives and negatives of Communism, there was just this mass fear of the "Red" USSR and the Communism that it advocated. Politically I believe the main cause was the fact that both the USSR and the U.S. wanted to spread there political ideology over as much of the world as possible. The two competing political systems were undoubtedly going to butt heads. For the main economic reason, I believe this has to do with resources. It was assumed that whatever political system a country chose (Communism or Democracy), it would ally with the main proponent of that system (USSR or U.S. Then the resources as well as trading opportunities would be opened for that ally. I think that both the USSR and the U.S. are responsible for the Cold War. I think the main overall cause of the Cold War stems simply from two completely different political ideas. Both the U.S. and the USSR were incredibly powerful countries who had the ability to spread their influence around the world. The fact that these two countries disagreed on such a monumental issue made the Cold War unavoidable. Both sides used shady tactics to get what they wanted all over the world.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

What was Hitler's Deal?

In class, we have been discussing mistakes made by Hitler towards the end of the war.  Although it seemed painfully obvious that the Germany was going to lose, he continued to demand attacks in favor of trying to defend the homeland.  Hitler insisted on holding on to Sweden for its iron ore and the Baltic States for the U-boat training grounds there even though these areas would have no effect on whether Germany won or lost by 1944.  He then demanded an attack on the allies in the West late in 1944, which cost him what little reserves Germany had left.  These would all appear to be very stupid moves when the big picture of the war is looked at.  It surely would have been better to withdraw back into Germany to defend the homeland.  But was this Hitler being stupid, or did he just have no alternative in mind other than a complete and total German victory?  Going on the defensive did nothing for Hitler as his dream was world domination.  To retreat into Germany was admitting defeat and that was not an option.  So tell me what you guys think; was Hitler stupid? Or were his moves those of desperation?